Assam Biosphere GK MCQ Questions With Answer

Assam Biosphere GK MCQ Questions With Answer: A special portal has been launched for applications for the Assam Police, which aims to hire employees for various positions in the state of Assam. Many candidates have already begun their final preparations for the exam. For those who have not yet been able to prepare adequately, we have compiled a practice set based on the types of questions from Biosphere to assist in their preparation.

Assam Biosphere GK MCQ Questions

1. Which of the following is the best definition of the “Biosphere”?
নিম্নলিখিত কোনটো “জীৱমণ্ডল”ৰ সৰ্বোত্তম সংজ্ঞা?

A. The layer of the Earth where all living organisms exist.
B. The part of Earth covered only by water.
C. The layer of Earth that only supports human life.
D. The solid, rocky part of the Earth.

2. The biosphere includes which of the following?
জীৱমণ্ডলত নিম্নলিখিত কোনটো অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত?

A. Atmosphere only
B. Lithosphere only
C. Hydrosphere only
D. All living organisms and their environments

3. Which of these layers of the Earth interacts with the biosphere?
তলৰ কোনটো পৃথিৱীৰ স্তৰে জীৱমণ্ডলৰ সৈতে আন্তঃকাৰ্য কৰে?

A. Lithosphere
B. Atmosphere
C. Hydrosphere
D. All of the above

4. What is the primary source of energy for the biosphere?
জীৱমণ্ডলৰ প্ৰধান শক্তিৰ উৎস কি?

A. Wind
B. Water
C. Sunlight
D. Soil

5. Which of the following is NOT part of the biosphere?
তলৰ কোনটো জীৱমণ্ডলৰ অংশ নহয়?

A. Plants and Animals
B. Soil and Rocks
C. Water Bodies
D. Earth’s Core

6. Which scientist first introduced the concept of the biosphere?
কোন বিজ্ঞানীজনে প্ৰথমে জীৱমণ্ডলৰ পৰিকল্পনা প্ৰচলিত কৰিছিল?

A. Alexander von Humboldt
B. Charles Darwin
C. Eduard Suess
D. Alfred Wegener

7. How does the biosphere affect the Earth’s climate?
জীৱমণ্ডলে পৃথিৱীৰ জলবায়ুৰ ওপৰত কেনেকৈ প্ৰভাৱ পেলায়?

A. It blocks sunlight from reaching the Earth.
B. It helps regulate gases like CO₂ and O₂.
C. It prevents rainfall.
D. It decreases temperatures.

8. What is the approximate thickness of the biosphere?
জীৱমণ্ডলৰ প্ৰায় কিমান পুৰণি?

A. 10 km
B. 20 km
C. 30 km
D. 50 km

9. In which part of the biosphere does photosynthesis mainly occur?
জীৱমণ্ডলৰ কোন অংশত মুলতঃ ফ’ট’চিন্থেছিছ হয়?

A. Ocean depths
B. Upper layers of water bodies and land surfaces
C. Underground caves
D. Mountain peaks

10. What role does biodiversity play in the biosphere?
জীৱমণ্ডলত জৈৱ-বৈচিত্র্যৰ ভূমিকা কি?

A. Reduces oxygen levels
B. Maintains ecosystem balance
C. Increases carbon levels
D. Prevents plant growth

See Also:

1. Assam Geography Questions & Answer for ADRE Grade IV Exam PDF – অসম ভূগোল

2. ADRE Grade IV Exam Most Important 20+ Assam Geography MCQ With Answer

3. Assam History GK MCQ With Answer For ADRE Grade IV Exam

4. Assam Current Affairs 3rd November 2024 – For Assam Police, DHS, ADRE, Gram Panchayat

11. What are the three main components of the biosphere?
জীৱমণ্ডলৰ মূখ্যভাৱে তিনিটা উপাদান কি?

A. Lithosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere
B. Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Plants
C. Animals, Water, Atmosphere
D. Lithosphere, Animals, Plants

12. Which process in the biosphere helps convert solar energy into chemical energy?
জীৱমণ্ডলত কোন প্ৰক্ৰিয়াই সৌৰ শক্তিক ৰাসায়নিক শক্তিত পৰিবৰ্তন কৰে?

A. Photosynthesis
B. Respiration
C. Decomposition
D. Evaporation

13. Which human activity is most harmful to the biosphere?
মানুহৰ কোন কাৰ্যই জীৱমণ্ডলৰ বাবে আটাইতকৈ ক্ষতিকাৰক?

A. Forest conservation
B. Recycling
C. Deforestation
D. Rainwater harvesting

14. The biosphere extends into which parts of the Earth’s atmosphere?
জীৱমণ্ডল পৃথিৱীৰ বায়ুমণ্ডলৰ কোন অংশলৈ বিস্তৃত হৈছে?

A. Only troposphere
B. Troposphere and stratosphere
C. Only stratosphere
D. Mesosphere and thermosphere

15. What is the role of decomposers in the biosphere?
জীৱমণ্ডলত পচনকাৰীৰ ভূমিকা কি?

A. Produce oxygen
B. Fix nitrogen
C. Break down dead organisms
D. Absorb sunlight

16. Which of the following cycles is essential to the biosphere?
জীৱমণ্ডলৰ বাবে কোনটো চক্ৰ প্ৰয়োজনীয়?

A. Nitrogen cycle
B. Lunar cycle
C. Solar cycle
D. Metal cycle

17. In which part of the biosphere do most marine organisms live?
জীৱমণ্ডলৰ কোন অংশত সাগৰীয় জীৱবোৰ বেছিভাগ সময় বাস কৰে?

A. Abyssal zone
B. Intertidal zone
C. Surface waters
D. Subterranean zone

18. Which gases in the biosphere are vital for photosynthesis?
জীৱমণ্ডলৰ কোনটো গেছ ফ’ট’চিন্থেছিছৰ বাবে জৰুৰী?

A. Nitrogen and Hydrogen
B. Oxygen and Nitrogen
C. Carbon dioxide and Water vapor
D. Methane and Oxygen

19. Which of the following zones in the biosphere is known for high biodiversity?
জীৱমণ্ডলৰ তলৰ কোনটো অঞ্চল উচ্চ জৈৱ-বৈচিত্র্যৰ বাবে বিখ্যাত?

A. Polar regions
B. Temperate forests
C. Tropical rainforests
D. Deserts

20. What term describes the interconnected network of food chains in the biosphere?
জীৱমণ্ডলত খাদ্য শৃংখলৰ সংযোগিত জালটো কিহে বুজায়?

A. Food web
B. Food loop
C. Nutrient cycle
D. Ecological net

Assam Geography Questions & Answer for ADRE Grade IV Exam PDF – অসম ভূগোল

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